Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Our New President

Well I don't really know what to say about all this. We have our first black president..Mr. Obama. There are so many things going through my mind that I don't even know how to explain what I feel like. It's very weird to me. I wasn't really for either side in the election. I voted for McCain..but that doesn't mean that I liked him either. I decided to pick the lesser of two evils in my opinion. There is just something about Obama that I really do not like..I can't put my finger on it though. Every time I see him I just get this feeling that he is not going to help us any being in office. I feel like he will be our demise. I don't know why...again it's just a feeling I get from him and his fakeness. I read an interesting story that Shane Nassiri from Texas tech wrote in their newspaper there. It was interesting to me and I think his story was truthful and hopefully Obama does choose to do the right thing. Hopefully he will choose to take the road less traveled as Nassiri said. This is a link to the story. You should just read it..there are a lot of things that I think Obama should consider. Things that America needs and wants. This world is not faring so well economy wise and hopefully he can pull us out of this. I have my doubts but hopefully he will turn out to be a good president. We don't need another BUSH!! There are so many things going wrong with the world right now and hopefully Obama will bring us out of this funk that we are stuck in. We need to get out of this damn war and we need to focus on bringing our economy back up. Prices continue to increase..even though gas went down YEAH!! But average things are getting more and more expensive. In Texas especially we need to get some help for all the people displaced from hurricane Ike. They are still out there with no home and a dark future. People need help and we need to offer more and help our citizens. After all we are the ones who will continue to grow and pass on our seeds...so why not make life for the next generation easier instead of harder?

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