Thursday, November 20, 2008

The cow speaks no bull!

I totally agree with that this person is saying. There is no reason that the teachers who work harder and have more successful students receive the same pay increase as the ones who just pass them all. Our schools need to be given money for good grades and progress being made in that school or their classroom. We shouldn't be giving school administrators money that just ends up in their pocket like person is saying. People work hard to get where they are and most really love teaching. I know that it is hard to keep all the kids in line and on task..I was one who was hard to control!! but anyways..I really liked what you were talking about and totally respect it. Teachers should be payed by their performance..each should be individually looked at and given respectable raises. Not every teacher is in it for the kids...and that is not someone I would want to give money to. Our kids are our future..and their teachers are a major part of their future. Hopefully one day we can turn it all around and do as this blogger was talking about. Better grades and performance in a classroom means a better pay increase. I think this would help those who are already suffering and possibly get those who don't really care on track. People will always try to win it the easy way..there is no way around that..but hopefully we can get caring and determined teachers into the spotlight one say and keep them from going bankrupt at the same time!

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