Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Prison Smuggling

There are many things that are smuggled in and out of prisons by guards. I never knew the extent of this until I met my now boyfriend of three and a half years. He was in prison a long time ago and has seen first hand these actions in progress. Many inmates receive cell phones and other things from guards. They either pay them somehow inside the prison or have outside sources that do it for them. Regardless...I know that it happens. My boyfriend has a cousin who was recently in prison on some minor charges and she somehow got a cellphone inside the prison. The truth is obvious..guards are out to make deals with prisoners to get that extra cash. The blog that I am talking about is Grits for Breakfast. The article on here talks about how the smuggling has caused guards to be searched upon entry and exit of the facility. The blogger talks about how this is a problem that is in many prisons and I agree with that. The blogger has evidence from the Houston and Austin papers that tell the story of contraband being brought into prisons. The blogger gives good evidence supporting how contraband is brought in and out of prisons everywhere. I never knew how big the problem was. It happens everywhere and is going to be a hard thing to solve. There will always be guards who are more interested in making deals with prisoners in order to benefit themselves. It is going to be a very hard task to eliminate contraband from being smuggled into prisons. The blogger is trying to let us know what is going on in prisons..and some of us already are aware of this smuggling. Others who are not are being taken back by the ability of inmates to get what they want. I understand how bad it is that this happens..but what else can we do but search every person who enters and leaves. The problem will still exist...inmates will continue to find loopholes in the system that allow them to get what they want.

Monday, October 20, 2008

KXAN Problems

I think that this article is great...I am so confused with all the KXAN stuff going on right now. When I saw the banner at the bottom of the screen saying that KXAN will no longer be available I was thinking, "What the hell?" That's just honesty! My boyfriend is a dedicated fan of Jerry Springer. It used to come on at night and he would always watch it or record it. There are other channels that show it..but this was the channel he was used to watching it on!! I never really understood what was going on. The article really cleared the air for me. The TV used to show how they were trying to charge us for a free signal..but that's not it. If you read the article...you will see how the author is talking to Time Warner customers mainly, and also telling it how it really is. I understand and agree with what the author is saying. Time Warner is making it seem as though KXAN is charging for a free signal when they are not. Time Warner just doesn't want to pay for their copyright to show their program. It is all just a big mess and each are to blame. I agree with what the author is saying about how Time Warner is lying to their viewers to keep them. I think that they have a lot of evidence against Time Warner for trying lie to viewers and much more. I just hope that all this is resolved in good faith as the law requires!


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

UT Aesthetics ????

There is an amazingly stupid fight going on at UT right now if you ask me! The whole thing about how pretty the dorm room doors and windows look mean nothing to me...but the fight for our president is something that matters. We should all be able to show our support or non-support for whomever we choose. It is ridiculous how the campus is acting..threatening to expel these students who do not take down the signs! I think the article is worth looking at definitely. The link to Burnt Orange Report is at the bottom of my page..so take a look!